The Arlington Police Department is excited to announce a new voluntary citizen program called, "Neighborhood Eyes." Essentially, residents and citizens now have the opportunity to register their address as a location operating a security camera system.

As security camera systems continue to become more affordable, more desirable and more commonplace in our city, Neighborhood Eyes presents a program where citizens can partner with us to allow for the quick identification of possible locations where video evidence may be present following a crime.

The program is strictly voluntary and is about effective communication rather than technology. The program does NOT provide APD access to security camera systems that are privately owned by participants.

Currently, officers go door to door talking with residents and businesses looking for video evidence following a crime. This is time intensive but still necessary. APD will continue to canvass neighborhoods and business districts following a crime in order to provide detectives with beneficial evidence to identify a suspect.

The Neighborhood Eyes program may speed up the possible identification of valuable evidence in high profile cases where door to door canvassing takes place but not necessarily at the speed that matches an evolving patrol response to an in-progress high profile crime. Through this program, detectives could instantly know where registered participants have camera systems that may aid in an investigation. Many cities throughout the United States participate in similar programs.

Again, it's strictly voluntary. Please fill out the form below if you are interested in participating.