Arlington City Council members Sheri Capehart, Victoria Farrar-Myers, Kathryn Wilemon, Lana Wolff and Roxanne Thalman have received appointments to National League of Cities (NLC) policy committees for 2019.
Capehart has been reappointed to the NLC Information Technology and Communications federal advocacy committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC's federal policy positions on issues involving telecommunications and information systems (and public access to these systems), privacy concerns, cable TV, phone services, spectrum issues, communications tower siting, universal service, broadcasting and defense of city rights-of-way from degradation caused by installation of communications facilities.
Farrar-Myers has been reappointed to the Finance, Administration and Intergovernmental Relations federal advocacy committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC's federal policy positions on issues involving national economic policy, general financial assistance programs, liability insurance, intergovernmental relations, census, municipal bonds and capital finance, municipal management, antitrust issues, citizen participation and civil rights, labor relations, Native American sovereignty and municipal authority.
Wilemon has been reappointed to the Transportation and Infrastructure Services federal advocacy committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC's federal policy positions on issues involving transportation, including planning, funding, safety and security of public transit, streets and highways, aviation, railroads and ports.
Wolff has been reappointed to the Community and Economic Development federal advocacy committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC's federal policy positions on issues involving housing, community and economic development, land use, recreation and parks, historic preservation and international competitiveness.
Thalman has been appointed to the chair of the Public Safety and Crime Prevention federal advocacy committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC's federal policy positions on issues involving crime prevention, corrections, substance abuse, municipal fire policy, juvenile justice, disaster preparedness and relief, homeland security, domestic terrorism, court systems and gun control.
As member of these committees, Capehart, Farrar-Myers, Wilemon, Wolff and Thalman will play key roles in shaping NLC's policy positions and advocate on behalf of America's cities and towns before Congress, with the new administration and at home.
For more information on NLC's other committees and councils, visit http://www.nlc.org/influence-federal-policy/policy-committees.
Mayor & Council, News