David Zappasodi, Executive Director of the Arlington Housing Authority, was recently reappointed to another two-year term on the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials' Board of Governors.
The professional membership organization comprises about 20,000 housing and community development agencies and officials throughout the country who administer affordable housing and community development programs at the local level.
Zappasodi, who has been a member of the NAHRO association for nearly 30 years and has served in various capacities at the state, regional and national levels, was first appointed to a four-year term on the board of governors in 2011.
"Serving others and the housing industry through the NAHRO board of governors presents a unique opportunity to represent my city - the City of Arlington, the state of Texas and my fellow colleagues on a national scene to shape policy and advocate for responsible reforms," Zappasodi said. "I consider it an honor to come together with colleagues from across the nation who are passionate about revitalizing communities and helping the most vulnerable members of our communities with their need for safe, decent housing. "
Click here to read about how the Arlington Housing Authority and City of Arlington was recognized by The National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials (NAHRO) for the use of innovative technology.
Arlington Housing Authority
Housing, News