Tarrant County Extends Executive Order Requiring Face Coverings at Businesses, Large Public Gatherings to Prevent Spread of COVID-19

Editor's Note: Tarrant County announced on Nov. 24, 2020, that it has extended its mask order through Feb. 28, 2021. This is the third extension of the order, originally issued on June 25, 2020. Click here to read more.
Tarrant County Judge B. Glen Whitley issued a new executive order today regarding the requirement for face masks or face coverings for business employees and customers due to the imminent threat of widespread illness from COVID-19.
The transmission of COVID-19 remains a significant threat to the health and safety of Tarrant County communities and the rate of infection are increasing at an exponential rate, county officials said. The number of people admitted to hospitals or placed on ventilators is also rising despite efforts by local authorities to control the spread of the virus.
Because of the public health emergency, the Tarrant County executive order requires all employees and visitors to Tarrant County businesses to wear face coverings when in an area or performing an activity which will necessarily involve close contact or proximity to co-workers or the public. Other than exceptions outlined by the state, the county order also requires that individuals wear masks if they are in areas that are open to the public where social distancing is not feasible and where it is estimated that 100 or more people are more are present.
Tarrant County’s order follows Gov. Greg Abbott’s decision that local governments can require stores and businesses to require masks in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. The county order, which goes into effect at 6 p.m. Friday, June 26, 2020 and continues through 6 a.m. Aug. 3, 2020, applies to all entities in Tarrant County that provide goods or services directly to the public. UPDATE: This order was extended through Feb. 28, 2021.
Click here to read the Tarrant County executive order.
The requirement of a face covering in Tarrant County does not apply if covering the nose and mouth poses a significant mental or physical health risk to the individual. The requirement of a face covering also does not apply when an individual is consuming a food or beverage or receiving a service where the wearing of a face covering would impair the performance of the service.
All people 10 years or older are strongly urged to wear a face covering over their nose and mouth when in an area open to the public where it is difficult to keep six feet away from other people or working in areas that involve proximity with coworkers. The CDC advises face coverings for people ages 2 years or older. Face coverings may include homemade masks, scarfs, bandanas, or a handkerchief. Tarrant County residents should continue to maintain social distancing of at least six feet while outside their home.
Visit www.arlingtontx.gov/coronavirus to learn more about the City of Arlington’s response to COVID-19 and find resources available to assist individuals, families and businesses in our community.
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