Deadline Extended to Dec. 16 for Arlington MLK Essay Competition

Every year, the Arlington Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration Committee awards cash prizes and scholarships to local youth as part of its long-running art and essay contests.
Though the deadline for the art contest has closed, the Committee has extended the deadline for its essay writing contest through midnight, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018.
The 2019 MLK Essay Contest is open to high school seniors attending Arlington schools or residing within Arlington city limits. Students enrolled in private schools and charter school in Arlington are also invited to submit their essays. Scholarships ranging from $500 to $1,000 are awarded to the top three winning essay writers. This year's theme is "Advancing The Dream: Building Harmony, Celebrating Diversity."
Click here for 2019 Essay Contest guidelines.
Judging will take place in December and the art and essay contest winners will be formally recognized at the Arlington MLK Advancing the Dream Awards Banquet on Friday, Jan. 18, 2019.
The deadline to nominate a group and individual to be recognized for their contributions toward advancing the dream of Dr. King in the areas of education, government and the Arlington community has been extended to midnight, Friday, Dec. 14. Click here to make your nomination.
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