Arlington Public Library Branches Closed Dec. 14 for Staff Development

Library staff from all seven branches will come together on Friday, Dec. 14 for [re]Brary Day, the Arlington Public Library s annual staff development day. With a team of more than 120 employees leading programs, cataloging books, working at service desks, and more throughout the City of Arlington, it s important that Library staff keep growing, exploring, and learning. Staff will enjoy a focused day of inspiration, relationship-building, and education.
To allow every staff member to attend, all Library locations will be closed.
A full day of presenters, workshops, brainstorming and team building will challenge and recharge staff. Speakers include community partners such as the Arlington Police Department and MHMR Tarrant County, as well as the Library s own staff experts.
"Staff development is a major departmental focus," says Norma Zuniga, Acting Director of Libraries. "As our system is growing and changing, it s important for us to reaffirm our commitment to learning and service."
Since all staff will attend [re]Brary Day, all Library locations will be closed on Friday, Dec. 14. Online resources such as e-books and databases will remain available. Branches will open for their normal hours on Saturday, Dec. 15. We look forward to seeing you then, inspired and ready to keep learning.
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