Didn't get all your leaves raked up by the end of the year? Drop off for leaf recycling at the Arlington Landfill has been extended by a month for Arlington residents.
Recycle your leaves at the Arlington Landfill located at 800 Mosier Valley Road through January 31st.
Alternately, the City of Arlington also encourages residents to take advantage of free composting classes from the City's Garbage & Recycling Department. Taking part in these voluntary programs (and inspiring others to do so) are a great way to help make Arlington the cleanest and greenest City in America!
- Help protect our waterways. Leaves are considered a source of pollution when washed directly into storm drains. Too many leaves cloud the water and block the sunlight that is essential to aquatic life. And, as they decompose, can lower the oxygen content of the water which can also harm fish and other living things.
- Help save landfill space. An estimated 20% of the solid waste generated by Texans comes from yard waste. Bagging these materials and placing them into the curbside garbage collection system uses valuable landfill space.
- Alternatives to bagging leaves - Give your lawn an extra boost, and save yourself some extra yard work by mulching your leaves into your lawn. Mulching leaves simply recycles a natural resource, giving you richer soil for free. Start a compost pile. Returning yard trimming back to your landscaping in the form of compost is one of the best things you can do for it.
In an effort to improve the environment and our community, this service is provided for Arlington residents only.
For information about the landfill, call 817-354-2300 or email [email protected].
Garbage & Recycling, News, Public Works