The City of Arlington's $16 million Tri-Schools Street Improvement Project is nearly 50% complete and remains on schedule and on budget.
Since the project started in June 2014, crews have completed approximately $6 million of the $16 million project. Arlington's Public Works Department expects the project to wrap up by next summer.
Crews are improving the roads and sidewalks in the area of three Mansfield ISD schools: Carol Holt Elementary, T.A. Howard Middle School and Cross Timbers Intermediate School, making it safer for drivers and pedestrians in the area.
During construction, the current detour route, which was implemented at the beginning of 2015, is expected to remain in effect until sometime next year.
Ledbetter Road between Curry Road and Harris Road is closed to through traffic with a moving street closure at the location of construction. To ease traffic flow, this section of Ledbetter Road remains open for local two way traffic only.
Crews have installed reinforced concrete street pavement for half of the roadway on the following streets:
- Ledbetter Road between Harris Road and Russell Road
- Russell Road between Ledbetter Road and Yorkmeadow Drive
In April, crews will perform street subgrade (lime and cement) stabilization for half of the roadway in the following locations:
- Calender Road between Monthaven Drive and Harris Road
- Russell Road Yorkmeadow Drive to Calender Road
The plan is to complete half of the concrete pavement roadway on Ledbetter, Russell and Calender Roads, then switch traffic onto the new pavement before finishing the other half of the street.
Another major component of the project is relocating a 48-inch diameter water distribution line on Curry Road to a lower elevation. Work is expected to be completed by the end of March.In order to complete this relocation, crews are expected to work around the clock. Area residents have been notified and water service should not be disrupted.
This project, which is part of the 2008 bond, is one of 16 major public works and water utility upgrade projects totaling as much as $80 million scheduled to roll out over a two-year period.
Updates will be posted on the Tri-Schools Street Project webpage at www.arlingtontx.gov/trischools.
Bond Program, Champion Great Neighborhoods, City Council Priorities, Enhance Regional Mobility, Street Construction Projects
Headlines, News, Public Works