Drivers will be forced to find alternate routes this weekend as the Union Pacific Rail Project returns to Arlington to replace switches on either side of the public grade crossing at Bowen Road. Union Pacific' s crew will work between Saturday, July 6 at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 7 at 8:00 a.m. to complete this project.
"While we do not expect this closure to have a significant impact on traffic, Arlington drivers should make plans for an alternate route and expect delays for this one-day project,"said Jay Warren, Marketing Communications Manager for the City of Arlington.
When the Union Pacific Track Renewal crew was in Arlington earlier this year, they skipped the work that needed to be done at Bowen Road so that drivers would have an additional route to use during the rail renewal project.
This project continues Union Pacific' s commitment to enhancing the region' s transportation infrastructure by investing millions of dollars in rail line between Fort Worth and Dallas.
Ultimately, Union Pacific will return to Arlington to complete work on the north track. The project will include replacing 13 miles of rail and ties, spreading tons of ballast, and renewing surfaces at several grade crossings on the north side. No date has been set for Union Pacific' s return.
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News, Public Works