Early voting begins Monday, April 30, and ends May 8, for the May 12 Joint - General and Special Elections. Voters have eight days to cast early ballots.
In Arlington, voters will be electing City Council Members for Districts 1, 2, 6, 7 and 8.
Information about voting early by mail, along with a listing of Election Day polling locations and candidate information, is available on the City of Arlington web site at www.ArlingtonTX.gov/election or call 817-459-6186.
Registered Arlington voters can cast ballots at any early voting polling location in Arlington or Tarrant County. Five early voting locations in Arlington are listed below.
Early Voting Locations in Arlington
Bob Duncan Center, 2800 S. Center St. 76014
Elzie Odom Recreation Center, 1601 NE Green Oaks Blvd. 76006
City of Arlington - South Service Center, 1100 SW Green Oaks Blvd. 76017
Tarrant County Southeast Sub-Courthouse, 700 E. Abram St. 76010
Center for Community Service, Junior League of Arlington, 4002 W Pioneer Parkway 76013
Before You Go!
Don't forget your Voter Registration Card or current driver's license.
