Tatum Pacos, a freshman on Arlington High School’s softball team, has been selected as the City of Arlington’s Student-Athlete of the Month for April 2024.
Pacos’ work ethic earned her a spot on varsity as a freshman, helping lead the Colts to the playoffs.
“Tatum is starting to develop herself as a leader on the team,” said Valerie Henry, Arlington High School Softball Head Coach. “It’s nice knowing that you can have someone that young to count on. She’s going to grow each year, and we’re going to be able to count on her for the next several years.”
Pacos, whose favorite subject is geometry, plans on going into the medical field after she graduates.
You can learn more about Arlington ISD’s athletic programs across the school district by clicking here.
Congratulations to Tatum for being this month’s honoree!
Arlington ISD, Support Youth and Families, Student-Athlete of the Month, MyArlingtonTV, City Council District 5
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