UPDATE on Feb. 16, 2024:
The coyote captured on Feb. 15 at Parkway Central Park has tested negative for rabies, according to Texas Health and Human Services.
The coyote was believed responsible for biting three children at the park in separate incidents. It was subsequently captured and humanely euthanized for testing.
Following these reports, the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Wildlife Services surveyed the park overnight. USDA staff did not observe any coyotes within the park space, but they did observe two coyotes in the surrounding area. The coyotes did not display any concerning behavior at that time, and the USDA staff does not consider them a threat to the public at this time.
Police officers will remain present for pedestrian safety through the end of the school day at Jones Academy of Fine Arts and Dual Language.
Out of an abundance of caution, Parkway Central Park, 600 Van Buren Drive, will remain closed to the public until Tuesday, Feb. 20.
USDA staff did notice the presence of multiple overflowing trash containers in the area, which can attract coyotes to inhabited areas. The City encourages residents to ensure all trash is contained within their trash carts with lids closed.
Click here to learn more about coyote behavior in urban environments. Residents are encouraged to make online reports of coyote sightings in Arlington by visiting the City’s Action Center webpage and scrolling down to “Wildlife Sighting.”
UPDATE on Feb. 15, 2024:
Arlington Animal Services captured a coyote this morning believed responsible for biting three children at Parkway Central Park in separate incidents. The coyote will be humanely euthanized and transported to Texas Health and Human Services in Austin for rabies testing.
Because of the aggressive coyote activity at the park, an animal control officer and a police officer were present this morning for pedestrian safety during school drop-offs at Jones Academy of Fine Arts and Dual Language. The officers saw the coyote on a road near the park and said that it charged them. Together, the officers were able to capture and secure the animal.
Parkway Central Park, 600 Van Buren Drive, will remain closed to the public until further notice. The City of Arlington will still partner with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Wildlife Services to evaluate and determine next steps.
Residents are encouraged to make online reports of coyote sightings in Arlington by visiting the City’s Action Center webpage and scrolling down to “Wildlife Sighting.”
The City of Arlington has partnered with the USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Wildlife Services to trap and remove one or more coyotes from Parkway Central Park after three children were bitten in separate incidents.
Parkway Central Park, 600 Van Buren Drive, will remain closed to the public until further notice. The City has installed barricades at the park entrances and will place digital message board signs along the park perimeter to notify the surrounding community about coyote activity. The City has also notified the surrounding properties and the Arlington Independent School District about the coyote activity after receiving a 911 call about a coyote following pedestrians near the North Arlington park on Wednesday afternoon. Out of an abundance of caution, animal control and police officers will be present Thursday when students are arriving to and leaving from Arlington ISD’s Jones Academy of Fine Arts and Dual Language.
Coyotes, which are typically afraid of people, can be found throughout Arlington. Sightings may be common, but aggressive encounters have been rare here, Code Compliance Director Brian Daugherty said.
“Public Safety is our priority and the City of Arlington had not previously experienced any coyote attacks. Coyotes and other wildlife are now part of our urban environment, and we need to find the best way to coexist,” Daugherty said. “There are always measures to take when walking paths and neighborhoods when you could come into contact with wildlife. Should you encounter wildlife, be sure to not engage with them and definitely do not feed them. Should you feel threatened be sure to make yourself as large as possible and appear intimidating. You can also bring whistles, air horns and walking sticks as an added deterrent."
Click here to learn more about coyote behavior in urban environments. Residents can also make an online report of a wildlife sighting in Arlington by visiting the City’s Action Center webpage and scrolling down to “Wildlife Sighting.”
“If you do spot wildlife, we encourage you to report it on our website so it can be appropriately tracked and addressed with our Animal Services staff,” Daugherty said.
The City has been notified that all three children that were bitten at the park on the playground or in the parking lot between Saturday, Feb. 10 and Tuesday, Feb. 13 have been treated for their injuries and have been released from the hospital. They will all receive post-exposure rabies treatment.
Arlington Animal Services initially set a trap at the park after being notified that a child had been bitten by a coyote there on Feb. 10. Searches for the coyote were unsuccessful, however. On Feb. 13, the City closed the park and Animal Services set additional traps and conducted patrols for the animal after receiving notification that another child was bitten that day. The City has since learned that another child had been bitten while visiting the park on Feb. 12.
The City will now work with USDA wildlife staff to continue efforts to reduce the number of coyotes at this park in an effort to change the pack’s behavior.
The USDA staff will evaluate the area and the animals to determine that number. Coyotes that are removed from the park will be tested for rabies and the families of the children who were bitten will be notified of the results.
City Council District 1
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