Arlington Parks and Recreation offers a variety of programs designed to help our 50+ adult residents to stay active and live healthier lives.
Programs include chair yoga classes, fitness classes and even aquatic therapy. Seniors can also attend to a daily lunch to socialize with other active adults. These classes and programs are held at The East Library and Recreation Center, located at 1817 New York Ave., Arlington, TX 76010. Classes vary by time and day.
EngAGE Arlington targets the active adult programs and activities Contact is [email protected] or 817-575-8295.
Click here to download an EngAGE Arlington calendar of events for active adults scheduled in April.
Passive or senior adult programs and activities are at EAST Library & Rec Center. Daily programs & activities are offered between 9am and 2pm. There’s an opportunity to sign up for the center breakfast and lunch program through Meals on Wheels.
Click here to download an East Arlington Recreation Center calendar of events for active adults scheduled in April.
Arlington Parks and Recreation also offers exciting day trips for adults! Hosted by and departing from various recreation centers, Parks and Recreation travels to fun events and attractions all around the Dallas-Fort Worth area and beyond. Click here to view and register for upcoming day trips. You can also find more information about these day trips on the City’s YouTube channel in one of the Aging Well Arlington episodes.
Arlington residents interested in these classes or programs can email Mikayla Brummel at [email protected] or call 817-459-5464. You can also go to The East Library and speak to the staff at the front desk to sign up for classes. Some classes require Rec passes.
Parks & Recreation, News, Community