- What's your name? Dottie Johnson
- Nick name? Dottie
- How long have you been a volunteer? Joined in June 2011
- Where are you from? Illinois – Chicago area
- What music CD do you like? George Straight
- What's the last movie you saw? Sulley
- What's your favorite animal? Love them all but mainly dogs (pit bulls)
- What's your favorite reality show? Don't do reality shows
- What book are you reading right now? Ordinary Grace
- Where was your last vacation? Caribbean Cruise
- What's your favorite quote or saying? We can judge the heart of a person by their treatment of animals. Ghandi
- What's your favorite hobby? Walking my dog
- How much time do you spend volunteering per week? With every place I volunteer probably about 10 hours a week.
- What do you enjoy most about volunteering? Helping others
Volunteer of the Month, 30 Seconds, Volunteer
Animal Services, News