Butler Elementary School Students Raise over $800 for the Shelter Animals in One Week
There are many pet loving school staff members and students at Butler Elementary School. This is evident by the assortment of photos judged by the students in the annual "Cutest Pet Contest"hosted by the Butler PTA.
Pictures of cats, dogs, horses and even a pig were among the 28 entries submitted by staff and displayed for the entire student body to see. "We asked our students to help raise money for the Arlington Animal Shelter by encouraging them to bring coins/bills to vote for their favorite pet"said PTA VP Community Services Representative Esther Wilbanks.
The contest was held from March 26 through March 30 as students casted their votes and gave donations representing their nomination for Teacher's Pet of the Year. "In one week we were able to raise $813.62 for the shelter"Wilbanks reported.
Staff had a wonderful time showing off photos of their four legged family members with students and Animal Services Manager Chris Huff laughed as teachers and the school Principal Daniel Gallagher explained exactly why they should have won this year.
Now for the winner (drum roll, please…), Mrs. Ryan's dog, Ms. Lola won the contest for a second consecutive year! Students cheered as Ms. Lola was officially crowned the cutest, and awarded a PetSmart® gift card and a beautiful tiara.
Principal Gallagher and Wilbanks expressed delight when presenting Huff with their donation for the animal shelter. Huff thanked the students, teachers and Principal Gallagher for continuing to remember the shelter pets by providing such a wonderful donation.
Congratulations Ms. Lola, and to Mrs. Ryan for having the winning pet and photo! Arlington Animal Services is grateful for the generous contributions that help fund responsible pet ownership education.
Wilbanks said "the student body really enjoy this event and learn that no matter how small the donation, every bit helps".
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For information contact Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-5898.

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