Book It for Literacy 5K/Mile Fun Run Aug. 3

Saturday, August 3, 8 a.m. - 11 a.m.
River Legacy Park, 701 N.W. Green Oaks Blvd.
The fourth annual Book It for Literacy Fun Run kicks off the first Saturday in August at River Legacy Park. Come early for the 5K, beginning at 8 a.m., or take part in the one-mile Fun Run at 9 a.m.
Arlington Reads, the literacy program of the Arlington Public Library, in partnership with the APL Foundation, sponsors the event to raise awareness and support for its adult, youth, and early childhood literacy programs.
All participants will receive a commemorative T-shirt, and prizes will be awarded to the first finishers in several age categories. Participate as an individual or as part of a team. Spectators and sponsors are welcome! Recruit sponsors to win a special prize for the most effective fundraising effort.
For more information about participating in the run, sponsoring a runner, or supporting Arlington Reads with a donation, check the Arlington Public Library's website. Registration is also available on race day.
This year, racers will be joined by about forty 3rd-5th grade boys and girls who participate in Active Joes and Fitnessistas, Arlington Reads' healthy youth programs. The students have spent the weeks leading up to the race learning about nutrition, body image and language, goal setting, and more. They will also spend a portion of the classes running in preparation for the race and will wear a special T-shirt at the race.
The Arlington Public Library provides literacy programs to the community through Arlington Reads, accredited by ProLiteracy, an international nonprofit organization that supports literacy programs throughout the nation. In the five years since its inception, Arlington Reads has helped thousands of students reach their literacy goals through classes and individual tutoring sessions.
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