A twin engine aircraft indicating possible problems with its nose gear landed safely around 1:15 p.m. today at Arlington Municipal Airport.
The pilot contacted the airport's control tower around 12:30 p.m. to report the landing gear on the nose of the plane may not work properly upon landing. The control tower contacted 9-1-1 and emergency crews were standing-by when the plane touched down.
The Beechcraft Travel Air is owned by Multiengine Training and is based at the Arlington airport. It is unclear whether it was on a training flight during the incident.
This type of scenario occurs about six times a year and Airport Manager Bob Porter says most end successfully with no major incident.
"This type of incident is not uncommon," said Porter. "Our standard emergency procedure was implemented and airport staff and emergency personnel responded according to those procedures. Luckily, today was a non-incident."
The airport was shut down for about 30 minutes while the airplane was safely removed from the runway.
The last time an incident such as this occurred at the airport was last summer.
"Today provided us with good practice," said Porter.

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