A grant award from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation and community partnerships are helping build a safer, more thriving Arlington
Arlington Animal Services strongly encourages pet owners to spay or neuter their pets to reduce overpopulation of animals in the community. Since the beginning of fiscal year 2012 in October 2011, the shelter has experienced a 16% increase in the number of animals being impounded.
The animal shelter is happy to announce that over 700 services were provided for pets of qualifying Arlington residents' who participated in spay and neuter, and vaccination clinics from April through August 2012. These clinics were possible thanks to a $31,950 grant award from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation, and partnerships with Texas Coalition for Animal Protection (TCAP), Respect A Bull, Inc., and Arlington Animal Services volunteers.
Over 250 dogs and cats were spayed or neutered, and 446 rabies vaccines were administered to animals of income eligible residents from zip codes 76010 and 76011. Qualifying residents' paid a $7 fee for the purchase of a city animal license, and received free services for their pets, thanks to the funding awarded by the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation.
Two of the events were Fix A Bull Clinics, specifically for Arlington Pit Bull owners. To participate, Pit Bull owners were required to attend an educational Pit Bull ownership class, where they learned about Animal Ordinances and responsible canine ownership.
TCAP Executive Director Stacey Schumacher stated, "TCAP appreciates the opportunity to work with the amazing staff at Arlington Animal Services and the great volunteers with Respect A Bull, Inc. These Pit Bull events are a great way for us to partner our services to provide a wonderful opportunity for pet owners throughout North Texas."
Long time community partner Kristi Miller, president and founder of Respect A Bull, Inc. has a passion for helping Pit Bulls in the community through owner education, and spay/neuter events to help lower the number of Pit Bulls entering local shelters.
As residents were dropping off their animals at the clinics, there were many positive comments about what a blessing the events were, with some stating they would not have been financially able to have acquired the services for their pets without this opportunity.
Arlington Animal Services would like to express special appreciation to the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation for making these clinic events benefitting the community possible.
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Learn more about low-cost veterinarian services
Visit the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation website
Interested in low-cost spay or neuter for your Arlington pet? Please contact Arlington Animal Services at 817-459-5898, or call 866-310-7387 for more information.
By Carol Weemes

Arlington Tomorrow Foundation
Animal Services, Community, Highlights, News