The Texas Water Development Board has awarded $5.6 million in financial assistance to Arlington Water Utilities for a slate of projects throughout the city to replace 3.6 miles of aging sanitary sewer mains. The funds are a low interest loan through the Board's Clean Water State Revolving Fund. An $826,861 portion of the loan will be forgiven because Arlington's plans qualify as a "green" project.
Arlington Water, which typically finances infrastructure projects through revenue bond funding, could save as much as $604,000 over the next 20 years through the low interest loan, according to the Water Development Board.
"The Texas Water Development Board's low interest loan program provides cities like Arlington a valuable alternative for financing projects that will strengthen essential infrastructure. Their assistance helps Arlington Water continue to provide high-quality service to residents at an affordable cost," said Buzz Pishkur, director of Arlington Water Utilities.
The sanitary sewer main replacements will focus on sections of Arlington's wastewater collection system that experience higher rates of inflow and infiltration, which occurs when storm water or groundwater improperly enter the sanitary sewer system. Eliminating inflow and infiltration problems saves Arlington residents money because it reduces wastewater volumes and associated treatment costs. Arlington pays Trinity River Authority's Central Regional Wastewater System to treat wastewater flows from the city.
The majority of the Arlington sanitary sewer lines have been in place at least 30 years. The segments targeted for replacement in the new project range in size from 4 inches to 24 inches. Construction is set to begin by this summer and be finished by 2019.
Public entities such as Arlington apply annually for funds from the Clean Water State Revolving Fund, which is authorized the federal Clean Water Act. The latest award brings Arlington's total awards from the program to $11.1 million in low interest loans and about $1.8 million in forgivable loans since 2014.

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