Nighttime Bowen Road Lane Closures Near I-20 Begin Jan. 4

The Texas Department of Transportation's work to install new, safer bridge railing on Interstate 20 in south Arlington will result in daily Bowen Road lane closures, weather permitting, over the next two weeks.
The left lane of northbound Bowen Road will be closed daily between 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. from Thursday, January 4 to Friday, January 12 between Foxpoint Trail and the westbound Interstate 20 service road. The left and right lane of southbound Bowen Road between the Cracker Barrel restaurant and the eastbound Interstate 20 service road will close alternately during the same time periods.
All lanes of Bowen Road near the interstate will be open during peak travel times, according to TxDOT. The bridge railing installation is expected to be complete by this summer.
The City of Arlington has partnered with Waze to give drivers the best experience possible to get around town. Drivers can download Waze for free at for iOS and Android and see real-time traffic, find optimal routes, avoid road closures and more.
Street Construction Projects, TxDOT
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