Get out your art supplies, it's contest time! The Public Works and Transportation Department invites third graders from across the city to help raise public awareness about flood safety through art.
The 2nd annual "Turn Around Don't Drown" art contest, which kicks off January 8 and runs through March 31, 2018, is part of the City's outreach to educate residents about the dangers of flooding and how to stay safe during flood conditions.
Students are asked to submit original artwork to the Public Works and Transportation Department that illustrates why people should not drive, walk or ride a bike through flooded roadways. Art must be created with crayons, map pencils or markers on 8.5 inch by 11 inch paper with the title "Turn Around Don't Drown."
‘It's important for our city and community to be better prepared for a flood emergency," Stormwater Education Specialist Melissa Walker said. "The art contest is one way to encourage our residents and students to look for ways to stay safe during a flood."
People may not realize that as little as six inches of moving water can cause a person to fall, according to the National Weather Service. As little as a foot of water can cause many vehicles to float away, the site says.
The contest is open to all third graders who live in Arlington. Entries may be dropped off between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday at the Public Works and Transportation Department's receptionist desk, located on the second floor of Arlington City Hall, 101 W. Abram St.
Participants may also mail their entries to: Public Works and Transportation, Attn: Melissa Walker, 101 W. Abram St., Mail Stop 01-0220, Arlington, TX 76010.
Be sure to include the child's name, age, parent or legal guardians' name and phone number, along with the child's school, teacher's name and phone number.
Four winners will receive a Flood Safety Bag with a NOAA Weather Radio. The first place winner will receive a $100 gift card, the second place winner will receive a $75 gift card, the third place winner will receive a $50 gift card and the fourth place winner will receive a $25 gift card. Winners will be recognized at an Arlington City Council meeting in June.
Teachers and school administrators who are interested in a flood safety presentation or who are seeking more information about the contest can contact Melissa Walker at 817-459-6572 or [email protected].
Stormwater, Support Quality Education
Education, News, Public Works