Alternate I-30 Main Lanes Near Baird Farm to be Closed Overnight Jan. 11 for Restriping
By Office of Communication
Posted on January 10, 2018, January 10, 2018

Near Baird Farm

New lane closures are planned for the next week as part of the $233 million Interstate 30/SH 360 Interchange Project. Aerial photos of the project are available on the Keep 30360 Moving website.

New or updated items are indicated in bold.

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Weekly Lane Closure Look Ahead

Closures are subject to changes due to weather and schedule. Below are anticipated traffic impacts for the coming weeks.

I-30 Main Lanes

  • Westbound I-30
    • Overnight, January 11: Alternate lanes of westbound I-30 between Baird Farm Road and Great Southwest Parkway will be closed for restriping work.
    • Eastbound I-30
      • Overnight, January 11: Alternate lanes of eastbound I-30 between Baird Farm Road and Great Southwest Parkway will be closed for restriping work.

I-30 HOV Lanes Between Great Southwest Parkway and Cooper Street

  • Westbound I-30 HOV lane west of SH 161
    • Through fall 2020, the westbound HOV lane west of SH 161 will be closed. TEXpress lane traffic will be directed into the I-30 westbound general main lanes west of SH 161.
  • Eastbound I-30 HOV lane between Center St and Duncan Perry Rd
    • Through fall 2020, the eastbound HOV lane access near Center St and lane through Tarrant County will be closed. TEXpress lane traffic will enter at SH 161.

SH 360 Frontage Road

  • SH 360 Southbound Frontage Road between Brown Boulevard/Ave J and Johnson Creek
    • Through fall 2018, the SH 360 southbound frontage road between Brown Boulevard/Ave J and Johnson Creek is reduced to one lane for understand utility and roadway construction.

Local Streets

Six Flags Drive at SH 360

  • Daily, January 10 through January 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., alternate lanes of eastbound and westbound Six Flags Drive and northbound and southbound SH 360 frontage roads at this intersection will be closed for signal installation.

Northbound Ballpark Way

  • Through winter 2017, the right, outside lane of northbound Ballpark Way between I-30 and Brinker Court will be closed for installation of new storm sewer connections.

Ave J

  • Nightly, January 15-16, eastbound and westbound Ave J immediately west of the SH 360 southbound frontage road will be closed to through traffic.
  • Eastbound traffic will be detoured along Corporate Drive and SH 360. Eastbound traffic between Corporate Drive and SH 360 will be limited to local access only, no through traffic.
  • Westbound traffic will be detoured along the SH 360 southbound frontage road to Lamar Boulevard to Corporate Drive.

Lamar Blvd/Ave H

  • Continuously, through January 15, 2018: Lamar Blvd/Ave H will be reduced to one lane each direction approaching and leaving the SH 360 northbound frontage road for utility work.
  • Through winter 2017, westbound and eastbound Lamar Blvd/Ave H are reduced to one lane approaching SH 360 for construction of new southbound frontage road intersection.

Ave F

  • Now through winter 2017, eastbound and westbound Ave F traffic will be reduced to one lane each direction and shifted to the south side of Ave F for reconstruction of Ave F.

Ave G

  • Now through winter 2017, 800 block of Ave G is limited to westbound traffic movement.

Copeland Road

  • Daily, January 11 through January 12, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., eastbound Copeland Road at Ballpark Way will be closed for bridge construction.
  • Continuously, eastbound Copeland Road between Ballpark Way and Six Flags Drive is reduced to one lane for general construction.
  • PERMANENT: Beginning October 13, Copeland Road between Six Flags to just east of Ballpark Way is permanently closed. Only eastbound Copeland Road traffic will be allowed between Ballpark Way and Six Flags Drive.
  • PERMANENT: Westbound Copeland Road between Six Flags Drive and Ballpark Way is permanently closed. Only eastbound Copeland Road traffic will be allowed between Ballpark Way and Six Flags Drive.

To stay up-to-date on the Interstate 30/SH 360 Interchange Project, visit

Enhance Regional Mobility, I-30/SH 360 Interchange, Street Construction Projects
News, Traffic Update, Transportation