To view and pay your bill online, please visit the Arlington Water Utilities Know Your H2O account access page at

You can also visit our online Know Your H2O guide.

Note: The website utilizes an SSL (Secure Socket Layer) Certificate to secure the website and protect online transactions. If you are having problems accessing WebConnect, you may need to update your internet security options to include TLS 1.1 or higher. From Internet Explorer, you can go to Tools > Internet Options > Advanced > Settings > Security. Some older operating systems and browsers do not support the TLS protocols that are required to maintain secure online transactions. For additional assistance, please contact Water Customer Services at 817-275-5931.

Registration for first-time users:

  1. Click here to request new service online and obtain an account number.
  2. Click on the green Create Account button.
  3. Type in all requested information & follow the prompts.
  4. Log in to your email, locate the registration email.
  5. Follow instructions in the email to enable your account.
  6. Log in with your user name and temporary password. [Copy/Paste the temporary password for best results.]
  7. Click Manage My Profile to change the password to your own.