Autumn Sage

Location: Rock Garden/Xeriscape Design


  • Common Name: Autumn Sage
  • Botanical Name: Salvia greggii
  • AKA: Greggs Salvia, Autumn Sage, Cherry Sage

Description: Autumn sage is a soft, mounding shrub normally 2-3 ft. tall, with small, minty aromatic green leaves that are evergreen in warmer climates. The flowers are borne on racemes from spring to frost and can be red, pink, purple, orange, or white. Its natural range is from south-central and west Texas south to San Luis Potosi in Mexico, mostly on rocky slopes.

Best Growing Conditions: Full Sun; Low Water Demand; Dry Soil; High Drought Tolerance; Cold and Heat Tolerant; Well-drained Rocky Soil

Landscape Use: Rock Garden, Moon Garden/Night Accent, Salt Tolerant, Deer Resistant, Container

 Wildlife Value: Bird (Specifically Hummingbirds), Butterflies (nectar source)