Workforce Solutions for Tarrant County
is a proactive partner in the economic development of Tarrant County, offering participation through workforce improvement services that serve both the job seeker and all size businesses. The award-winning programs and services offered connect businesses with qualified job seekers through workforce development activities that include:
- Customized training
- Human resource needs
- Special programs
- Labor market information
- Career fairs
- Rapid response
- Placement services
- Recruitment and pre-screening
Center for Continuing Education & Workforce Development not only provides an environment for employers to come together with qualified employees, but also brings together the training resources and curriculum to upgrade an existing workforce.
The Center has been recognized as a national best practice for workforce development in the 21st century by the U.S. Department of Labor and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. The Center houses every major workforce stakeholder in Tarrant County. The Arlington Chamber of Commerce, Workforce Solutions, and UTA all work collaboratively to meet workforce development needs of the community.
University of Texas at Arlington offers a wide variety of seminars, short courses, certificate programs and distance education opportunities for those who want to enhance their skills and advance their careers.
Tarrant County College-SE Campus offers customized training in the areas of specialized technical training, computer skills, communications, and supervisory/management level training.

The Texas Workforce Commission administers the Skills Development Fund program, which provides state funds to directly respond to the workforce needs of Texas employers. This skills grant can fund the development and implementation of targeted training through any training provider.

Small Business Administration (SBA) is an independent office of the Small Business Administration (SBA) established in 1983 to provide an independent, quasi-judicial appeal of certain SBA program decisions. Ready to hire employees for your business? Learn about employment and labor laws to make sure your business is in compliance.
TMAC delivers hand-on technical assistance and training to a wide range of businesses, including manufacturing, government, and health care. TMAC has a wide array of services that improve efficiency, quality, and productivity. Focus areas include Lean Enterprise, technology solutions, strategic management, quality systems, environment and safety.