Arlington Garbage and Recycling Rate Changes Go Into Effect Oct. 1; Water Rates Change Jan. 1, 2022

Arlington Water Utilities residential rates for water usage are some of the lowest in North Texas. Recent approval of Arlington’s budget for the coming year will increase the average residential water and sewer bill by about $1.84 a month, or about 6 cents a day.
Rate changes for Fiscal Year 2022 are primarily related to increases in debt service costs, chemical and equipment costs, franchise fees, and other costs associated with operating the utility.
The Arlington City Council has authorized money from the Water/Wastewater Rate Stabilization Fund to be used to delay Fiscal Year 2022 water and sanitary sewer rate increases until Jan. 1, 2022, thus reducing the annual increase by 25%.
Over the next year, Arlington Water Utilities will complete two multi-million dollar water infrastructure projects: the John F. Kubala Water Treatment Plant Chemical Improvements and the Lake Arlington Raw Water Pump Station. Both projects will improve water service in The American Dream City for decades to come.
In late 2021, Arlington Water Utilities will begin a four-year project to make $112 million in improvements to the Pierce-Burch Water Treatment Plant. The plant was built in 1972 and has a water treatment capacity of 75 million gallons per day. Financing the project with low interest loans from the Texas Water Development Board will save the City about $24 million over the life of the loan.
A full list of rate changes for the new rates will be in effect on Oct. 1, 2021 for trash/recycling collection services and Arlington’s stormwater (drainage) fee. The Stormwater Utility Fee will increase from $7.50 to $8 per Equivalent Residential Unit (ERU). The residential refuse charge (trash/recycling collection) will increase from $15.03 to $15.46.
A full list of rates for the current year and for 2022 can be found at
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