The newly formed Term Limits Advisory Committee will hold its first public meeting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday, July 16, 2020.
The Arlington City Council appointed members to the advisory committee during the July 7, 2020, meeting. The intent of creating the Term Limits Advisory Committee is to review the current provisions in the City’s Charter pertaining to term lengths and term limits and work to formulate recommendations on possible changes to such provisions. The Committee’s charge will be to study and discuss alternative term lengths and term limits provisions, excluding the elimination of term limits; receive input from the community; and prepare recommendations on possible changes for the City Council’s consideration.
In the interest of public health, the Council Briefing Room will be closed to the public for the July 16 Term Limits Advisory Committee meeting because of social distancing requirements in place to prevent the spread of the respiratory disease, COVID-19. The meeting will be televised, however, and residents will have the opportunity to call in to speak.
Members of the public who wish to speak can send an email to [email protected] to register at any time until 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2020, or call 833-268-8354; Conference ID – 496-110-172# starting at 6 p.m. on Thursday, July 16, 2020, to register to speak. City staff will then call members of the public who register to speak at the appropriate time.
When registering by email, please include your name and address for the record, as well as a telephone number, and the listed agenda item that you would like to speak on.
The meetings can be viewed live on the City's website at https://www.arlingtontx.gov/city_hall/departments/broadcast or through your local cable provider municipal channel. They will also be recorded live and replayed on the government cable channel throughout the week. To watch these meetings, please tune in to:
Click here to see the Term Limits Advisory Committee meeting agenda.
Term Limits Advisory Committee Members
- Wes Maness
- Jeannie Deakyne
- Gwenda Hicks
- Syed Hassan
- David Schwarte
- Steve Zimmer
- Nikkie Hunter
- Derek Carter
- Sinikka Dickerson
- Chad Bates
- Charlie Parker
- Jim Maibach
- Patty Noe
- Rob Cronin
- Jessica Black
- Ron Spiller
- Cindy Foote
- Barbara Prellwitz
- Amanda Arizole
- Andy Prior
- Billy Wilson
- Bryan Acosta
- Yen Nguyen
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News, Government, City Council