Curbside Collection Information for Tree Limbs and Debris Left After Friday’s Severe Weather

Some Arlington neighborhoods, particularly on the west side, may be cleaning up fallen tree limbs and other storm-debris after severe weather on Friday, Sept. 8 brought rain and high winds.
As a reminder to affected residents, tree limbs and fence panels can be picked up curbside on your regular trash collection days. Residents may also haul limbs and other trash directly to the Arlington landfill for free by using one of three annual landfill coupons.
The landfill, located at 800 Mosier Valley Road in Euless, is open from 7 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Click here to learn more about the Landfill and how to access your free landfill coupon.
Curbside Pickup Tips
Tree limbs can be placed on the curb for pickup by Republic Services if they are cut down to four-foot lengths, bundled and stacked with the large end towards the curb. Branches must be no more than six inches in diameter and bundles may not exceed 50 lbs. Brush is collected at approximately one cubic yard per collection date.
For larger unbundled brush piles, residents can use any tree removal company. Republic Services also offers collection for large, unbundled brush piles at an hourly rate. For more information, call Republic Services at 817-317-2000.
Oncor will remove any tree debris created when its authorized crews are performing pruning and vegetation management, including after storms. However, Oncor will not remove trees or debris from trees that have fallen due to the storm or other reasons. To report a tree or a limb on a power line, please contact Oncor at 888-313-4747. Click here to see Oncor’s FAQs about tree trimming.
Additionally, shingles cannot be collected at the curb. For roof repairs, it is the responsibility of the contractor to haul away and dispose of roofing shingles. Residents may also dispose of shingles at the landfill.
Champion Great Neighborhoods, City Council District 2, City Council District 4
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