Very Important Pets (VIPs) at Arlington Animal Services hope you will share a favorite recipe for humans or for pets in a new, upcoming e-cookbook!
If you, a friend, or loved one is an animal lover, with a favorite recipe, please share it and help a very important cause! All donations of recipes with donations for an e-cookbook will support VIPs at the shelter.
This is what Community Services Supervisor Christie Compton stated about VIPs at the Animal Services Center: “Sometimes there are animals in the shelter that just need a little more networking or attention from the public. We call these pets VIP’s here at AAS. These animals just need a little more TLC, love, training, are harder to place, or haven’t found the right family yet. All the animals at AAS are important and special, VIP Pets just need a little more help than others.”
Submit a favorite photo of your adopted or rescued pet, with a brief bio along with your recipe for an appetizer, salad, main course, side dish, dessert, etc. for human consumption – and/or a recipe for a pet-friendly tasty treat to publish in the section of the cookbook dedicated to chow for furry friends!
Don’t have a recipe to share, but interested? Visit the link below, and you may place a donation to simply receive an e-cookbook as soon as it becomes available! All donations support the shelter VIP Pets and are greatly appreciated!
Recipes will be accepted in the online donation store beginning Friday, May 15 through Wednesday, July 1, 2020 (New extended deadline!). Enter today!
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News, Animal Services