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Neighborhood Network News
Learn how to apply for the Texas Rent Relief Program, find out more about resolving warrants during the Arlington Municipal Court Resolution Drive, share your input for Meadowbrook Park, plus enjoy Movie Night at the Levitt during Spring Break in this week’s Neighborhood Network News.
Arlington Residents Seeking Rent, Utility Assistance Can Apply for Texas Rent Relief Program March 14-28, 2023
The Texas Rent Relief program will begin accepting new applications for rent and utility assistance between March 14-28, 2023. First-time applicants may be eligible for up to 18 months of rent and utility bill assistance, either with past due payments or a combination of past due and future payments made on their behalf. Returning applicants who have not received the maximum allowed 18 months of assistance for rent and/or utility bills can submit an Additional Funding Request via their existing online user account. Limited funds are available. Visit TexasRentRelief.com to review eligibility details and apply.
Arlington Municipal Court Conducts Citation and Warrant Resolution Drive Feb. 21-March 13, 2023
The Arlington Municipal Court will conduct its annual Warrant Resolution drive through March 13. Warrant Resolution encourages defendants to voluntarily come into compliance with their outstanding court obligations. Individuals who are concerned that they have an outstanding City of Arlington warrant or have received a violation and are unsure of what options are available, are encouraged to contact the Arlington Municipal Court. If you have an outstanding citation, you are encouraged to call, email, visit the city web page, or come to the court in-person to take the necessary steps to resolve the matter.
City Seeks Arlington Residents' Input on Meadowbrook Park Improvements Ahead of 100 Year Anniversary
The City of Arlington is developing a Master Plan for Meadowbrook Park, Arlington’s first park that opened in 1924. In advance of the centennial celebration in 2024, Arlington Parks and Recreation wants to receive resident’s feedback on potential park amenities. The public meetings will be held from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on March 8 and April 4 at the Levitt Center at Levitt Pavilion Arlington, 100 W. Abram St. in Downtown. If you are unable to attend one of the public meetings, but still want to provide input, please contact Parks Planning Manager Mark Heinicke at 817-459-6937, by email, or write a letter to Mark at Arlington Parks and Recreation Department, 717 W. Main St., Arlington, TX 76013.
Movie Nights at the Levitt
Enjoy a movie night at Levitt pavilion Arlington. The Levitt is hosting movie night for spring break next week, March 14 - 16. On Tuesday, March 14, enjoy a Frozen sing-a-long. On Wednesday, March 15 watch the Lego Batman Movie. And on Thursday, March 16 watch The Avengers. Movies will start at 7:30 PM. Make sure to bring your lawn chairs or blankets.

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