Arlington Charities Home Delivery Client Success Story
By City of Arlington, TX
Posted on July 22, 2024, July 22, 2024

Arlington Charities’ main mission is to address food insecurity in Arlington and surrounding areas. We do this through a daily drive-thru food pantry service, home delivery, mobile markets out in the community, mobile food truck targeting food deserts, and other seasonal programs. 

Joy, 85-year-old client, was evicted from her apartment after being there for 10 years. She joined our home delivery in October 2020. "Arlington Charities has been so sweet to me. I felt like I was in a nightmare. Especially after working all my life for newspapers, I never imagined myself in this situation. I am disabled, and retired, and I am so grateful for Arlington Charities. They have helped me with kindness and understanding. You feel like you are so alone, but I know I am not alone.”

This is just one of many, many success stories that we see on a regular basis. The financial support of CDBG makes this possible.