Final Downtown Master Plan Public Meeting Set for Sept. 19

The third of a series of public meetings to help shape the City of Arlington's Downtown Master Plan is scheduled for 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 19 in the [re]Brary room of the new George W. Hawkes Downtown Library, 100 S. Center St.
In January, the City of Arlington began work on a comprehensive update designed to guide development in the Downtown and surrounding areas of the city. The last Downtown Master Plan was completed in 2004. The new Downtown Master Plan, slated for completion this fall, will unify current projects and stakeholder visions to define a strong sense of place, while remaining responsive to the history and current needs of the area.
In addition to the creation of a Downtown Master Plan Advisory Committee, the City has gathered valuable citizen and stakeholder input for the master plan update through an online survey, public open houses and other events. The first two public meetings were held May 9 and June 13.
All are welcome to attend the meeting, which is designed to provide opportunities for citizens to participate in the process, provide input, and review draft plan materials. This will be the final public meeting before the plan is presented to the Arlington City Council for review and approval.
Click here to view the 2004 Arlington Downtown Master Plan.
Downtown Arlington
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