For a third year in a row, the City of Arlington will supplement the Texas Department of Transportation's regularly scheduled mowing and litter clean up along interstates and highways to help keep The American Dream City beautiful and welcoming for residents and visitors alike.
TxDOT has jurisdiction of the grounds maintenance of the medians and the right-of-way along interstate and state roadways across the State. In Arlington, this includes Interstate 30, Interstate 20, State Highway 360, US Highway 287, State Highway 157, US Highway 180 and Spur 303.
Currently, TxDOT provides three mowing cycles in Arlington per year. These cycles, which can take as much as three weeks to complete, are typically scheduled in the months of June, August and November. The cycles are dependent on environmental factors such as rain or drought, while the timing of the first cycle is to accommodate wildflower production. Additionally, 10 litter cleanup cycles are provided annually, excluding the months of July and September. Separate contractors perform mowing and litter duties, which can result in an uneven appearance possibly including recently mowed areas with litter remaining until the next litter removal cycle.
Arlington, the 48th largest city in the country with more than 380,000 residents, welcomes about 14 million visitors each year. To keep major roadways looking green and clean, the City will supplement the standard TxDOT mowing and litter clean up schedule for an increased level of median and right-of-way maintenance.
Since Fiscal Year 2016, the Arlington City Council has approved funding to provide two additional cycles of mowing and litter clean up along I-20, I-30, and State Highway 360. The program has since expanded to include US Highway 287. This year's additional maintenance is tentatively scheduled for July and September.
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