Get Your Arlington Adopted or Rescued Pet Photos Entered Before the Contest Closes

The Arlington Animal Services' 2019 Pet Photo Contest ends August 31, 2018.
Do you have a pet adopted or rescued from Arlington Animal Services? Time is running out to get a photo entered in the 2019 Pet Photo Contest. Maybe you do not have a pet, but you love animals and want to cast a vote for your favorite entry. All contest entries and votes must be entered by Friday, August 31 at 11:59:59 p.m. central time.
The contest is open to any pet owner of any animal adopted or rescued from the City of Arlington Animal Services located at 1000 S.E. Green Oaks Boulevard after January 2009. Enter the contest with photo and a short bio about your pet living its best life, working, and/or playing. Each photo entry is accepted with a $1 donation. Get contest rules here.
The entries coming in are wonderful! See them here and vote for your favorite with a $1 donation that will go towards educational opportunities at the Animal Services center. Not all the entries are of furry creatures. Look and be surprised!
The top 12 vote/donation winners will become a pin-up of the month in the 2019 Arlington Animal Services calendar. The theme for 2019 is "A Decade of Adoptions & Rescues".
This contest is a fun, interactive way to participate and show support for Arlington Animal Services and your love of pets!
Animal Services, News