The Mission Continues Arlington 1st Service Platoon is the City of Arlington's Volunteer of the Month for August 2018.
The Arlington Parks and Recreation Department is very excited to announce that The Mission Continues Arlington 1st Service Platoon has been selected as the Volunteers of the Month for August 2018!
Mission Continues partners with Arlington Parks often and have been an integral part to their Volunteer program over the past 2+ years. The group was instrumental helping with Boomtown Kids Zone at Light Up Arlington 2018 where they oversaw bounce houses and activities as well as ensured the safety of all participants.
The department staff is constantly impressed by the flexibility and willingness to serve of the Mission Continues Volunteers. Mission Continues has also helped with Lake Clean Up, Daddy Daughter Dance and park clean ups. The 12th Annual Light Up Arlington would not have been a success without their help!
Mission Continues partners with Arlington Parks focusing on the Mission of Operation Unplug and Connect. This is an initiative to combat childhood obesity by encouraging the youth to unplug from their devices and connect with the outdoors. Working with students from AISD schools, the Arlington 1st Platoon along with Arlington Parks work to renovate outdoor spaces for fitness, recreation and learning.
Arlington Parks thanks every single Mission Continue volunteer who came out to Light Up Arlington and who continues to help reinvigorate and beautify our City while encouraging our youth to be active and engaged!
Volunteer, Volunteer of the Month