Arlington Helping Kids Be School Ready With ‘1000 Books Before Kindergarten’ Campaign

The Arlington Public Library is helping children and families get ready to start school with 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten! 1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a nationwide challenge that encourages caregivers to regularly read aloud to their children. Reading often to young children helps improve vocabulary, listening, and other skills vital to success in school and life, but it's also a great way to bond and build relationships. The Arlington Public Library hopes to make that easier with backpacks of books, available to check out for free.
"We are so excited that we have the opportunity to encourage more reading in families with young children!" said librarian Kayla De La Portilla. "Parents are their children's most important teachers and 1000 Books Before Kindergarten is a great way for families to learn together."
Get started by checking out a 1000 Books Before Kindergarten backpack from any library location. Each backpack has 10 fun picture books, chosen specially for young children. There are 100 backpacks to chose from, so if a family checks out each bag one time, they'll have borrowed 1,000 books. Browse the bags in person at any location, or click here to see them online.
Families can follow their progress by tracking how many backpacks they check out. Ask for a log at any library location, or download the 1000 Books Before Kindergarten app for iPhone or Android. When a child reaches landmarks or finishes all 1,000 books, bring their log to the library to receive a special certificate of completion! Each certificate marks a special accomplishment for young readers, but also celebrates lots of time spent reading and learning with family.
This program is made possible by a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services to the Texas State Library and Archives Commission under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act. The 1000 Books Before Kindergarten name is used with permission from the 1000 Books Foundation.
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