Arlington Opens Neighborhood Matching Grant Program Nov. 1, 2016

The City of Arlington is pleased to announce the Neighborhood Matching Grant Call For Projects. The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program is available to fund improvement projects that will beautify and enhance the public spaces in neighborhoods throughout The American Dream City.
Project examples include public art, beautification, landscaping, sidewalks, traffic calming, and neighborhood entrance signs.
Applications for this grant program will open Tuesday, November 1, 2016 and are due by Wednesday, February 15, 2017.
The Guidebook and Application are now available online at The Guidebook contains important information that applicants will need to know when preparing their project and completing the application.
To apply, the project team leader must attend an Information Session. The scheduled dates are listed on the above webpage.
Additionally, your neighborhood must also be registered in the City's neighborhood network (or updated within the last year) to apply for the grant. You can see if your neighborhood is registered, and review the registration form,
The Neighborhood Matching Grant Program is part of the Arlington City Council's priority to Champion Great Neighborhoods.
Champion Great Neighborhoods, Neighborhood Matching Grants
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