Deaver Park Improvements Public Meeting: Nov. 15, 2016

The City of Arlington is interested in citizen feedback regarding the improvements to Deaver Park, 5800 Kelly Elliott Road, 76017.
Your attendance is requested at Arlington Parks and Recreation's upcoming public meeting on November 15, 2016 at 6:30 PM at the Boles Junior High School (3900 SW Green Oaks Blvd, Arlington, TX 76017).
The following topics will be discussed at the meeting:
- Park development background
- This development is the result of $500,000 from the 2014 Bond
- Existing conditions (outdated playground pieces, damaged pond overlook, overgrown vegetation, pond siltation, pond overflow structure issues)
- Present conceptual master plan for improvements
- Improvements include:
- New/replace playground pieces (2-5 year olds and 5-12 year old units)
- Trail loop around pond w/ 2 new pedestrian bridges
- New/replace pond overlook. This is a requirement of a 1998 Texas Park and Wildlife Department grant.
- Dredge excessive siltation in the pond. This create a deeper/cleaner pond.
- Discuss current state of the pond overflow structure and north edge embankment
- Remaining schedule (tentative): complete construction documents Jan 2017; out to bid/begin construction late Spring 2017; complete construction Fall 2017
For more information, please contact Park Project Manager Eric Seebock at [email protected] or 817-459-5489.
News, Parks & Recreation