Councilwoman Visits Capitol Hill with Other NLC Members to Urge Infrastructure Investment

Arlington Mayor Pro Tempore Sheri Capehart was among leaders from across the country who attended meetings and briefings on Capitol Hill last week urging Congress to make infrastructure investment a priority.
As part of Infrastructure Week 2016, Capehart and other members of the National League of Cities advocated for priority issues including tax exemption for municipal bonds, reauthorization of the EPA Brownfields Program and water infrastructure investment.
As Information Technology and Communications Chair, Capehart lobbied for broadband infrastructure.
"Oftentimes technology infrastructure is overlooked as needed infrastructure. However, without access to this technology the digital divide deepens," Capehart said.
The NLC also debuted its new report, "Paying for Local Infrastructure in a New Era of Federalism," in Governing Magazine. The report examines tools available to local leaders for infrastructure funding and financing in all 50 states.
During briefings, panelists discussed the importance of tax exempt municipal bonds in paying for the construction and maintenance of America's infrastructure. In another briefing, panelists discussed how their communities are solving some of the most pressing water challenges of our time through innovative partnerships, policies, programs, and financing models.

National League of Cities
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