Volunteering is a way for people to help the community, and the City of Arlington has many opportunities available! From helping out with events to volunteering in different departments, there are a number of ways residents can help in The American Dream City. These departments include the Arlington Fire Department, Police Department, Parks and Recreation Department and many others. The process is simple and easy for residents to complete.
The first step for residents looking to volunteer is to find the department they would like to help. These departments and a list of volunteer opportunities are included on the Human Resources website. Residents can then create an account and apply for the various opportunities they are interested in. Once the profile is created, the Human Resources Department recommends including areas of interest to make the process more efficient.
The HR Department only contacts the applicant if they enter their information in the "Other" category. If a resident chooses Library, Animal Service or one of the other categories, the volunteer coordinator for that division will contact them about the application process.
"Volunteering with the City of Arlington is a win-win relationship," said Elicia Vernon, with the Human Resources Department. "It gives the volunteer an opportunity to enrich his life by doing something for others and is a means to give back to the community he or she calls 'home.' There are many departments that couldn't function without volunteer help and many events that would never happen if volunteers were not there to assist."
Residents are able to select one department when creating a profile on the City's website and additional departments can be added later. Once you have submitted your profile, please wait to receive a response from your department of choice to begin volunteering. Background checks are required for volunteers. For more information, please contact the City's Human Resources Department at 817-459-6869.
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