UTA Reaches Record Number of Graduates with Dec. 2016 Commencement

For the third straight year, The University of Texas at Arlington will graduate a record number of degreed students by the completion of the 2016-17 academic year.
Close to 7,000 candidates for graduation will receive their degrees during winter Commencement ceremonies Dec. 15-17 at UTA's College Park Center.
December ceremonies include summer and fall 2016 graduate candidates, who outnumber the summer/fall 2015 graduates by almost 10 percent at about 6,960 students. These graduate candidates represent more than half of the students expected to earn degrees from UTA during the 2016-17 academic year.
UTA set a graduation record in the 2015-16 academic year in awarding 11,527 degrees, a nearly 9 percent increase from the 10,585 degrees awarded in the 2014-15 academic year.
The newest graduates join the ranks of more than 210,000 UTA alumni around the globe, many working in business, health care, engineering, education, information technology and other high-demand fields.
"UTA graduation figures continue to astound the North Texas community,"state Rep. Matt Krause, R-Fort Worth, said. "December graduates will quickly add to a burgeoning, highly skilled workforce, not only in North Texas, but in Texas, the nation, and the world. UTA is a key contributor to that talent pool."
Conferrals increased significantly in the Colleges of Nursing and Health Innovation (2,557 degrees), Business (1,039 degrees) and Engineering (882 degrees). These numbers represent increases of 13.3 percent, 4.8 percent and 16.2 percent respectively over the summer/fall 2015 figures.
All UTA colleges and schools registered conferral increases in summer/fall 2016 over summer/fall 2015.
Visit the UTA commencement homepage for ceremony schedules, information and videos posted after some ceremonies.
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