Many City of Arlington municipal government offices will be closed on Friday, Dec. 23 and Monday, Dec. 26, in observance of the Christmas Holiday.
Municipal government offices will also be closed both Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 24-25, 2016. Regular office hours and service schedules will resume Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2016.
Arlington Animal Services will be open on Friday, December 23, 2016. Animal Services will be closed Saturday, December 24 - December 26 and will reopen on Tuesday, December 27 with normal business hours.
All municipal golf courses will be open on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24, and all recreation centers will close at 1 p.m. that day.
The Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visitors Welcome Center offices will be closed from Friday, December 23 to Monday, December 26, 2016 in observance of the Christmas Holiday. Regular office hours and service schedules will resume Tuesday, December 27, 2016.
Friday, December 23, 2016
What-s Closed:
- City Hall
- City Office Tower
- Arlington Municipal Court
- Handitran office and Handitran special transportation services
- Parks and Recreation Department administrative offices
- Lake Arlington operations
- Arlington Tennis Center (ATC will also close at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, December 23, 2015)
- Hugh Smith Indoor Pool
- Senior Recreation Center - New York
- Bob Duncan Center
- Meadowbrook Recreation Center
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visitors Welcome Center
What-s Open:
- Arlington Animal Services Center
- All branch libraries
- All municipal golf courses
- All Recreation Centers
- Hugh Smith Indoor Pool
- Eunice Activity Center - opens at 11 a.m. and closes at 5:00 p.m.
- Curbside garbage or recycling collection will occur as scheduled.
Saturday, December 24, 2016
What-s Closed:
- City Hall
- City Office Tower
- Arlington Municipal Court
- Handitran office and Handitran special transportation services
- Parks and Recreation Department administrative offices
- Arlington Animal Services Center
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visitors Welcome Center
- Arlington Tennis Center
- Bob Duncan Center
- Eunice Activity Center
- Hugh Smith Indoor Pool
- Meadowbrook Recreation Center
- Parks Admin
- Senior Recreation Center New York
- All branch libraries
What-s Open:
- All municipal golf courses
- All Recreation Centers - close at 1 PM
Monday, December 26, 2016
What-s Closed:
- City Hall
- City Office Tower
- Arlington Municipal Court
- Arlington Animal Services Center
- Handitran office and Handitran special transportation services
- Parks and Recreation Department administrative offices
- Senior Recreation Center - New York
- Eunice Activity Center
- Meadowbrook Recreation Center
- Lake Arlington Operations
- Eunice Activity Center
- Bob Duncan Center
- Arlington Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visitors Welcome Center
What-s Open:
- All branch libraries
- All municipal golf courses
- All Recreation Centers
- Arlington Tennis Center
- Curbside garbage or recycling collection will occur as scheduled.