Coach James Isbell is one of a kind! Coach Isbell has been involved with the Youth Baseball Program in the Parks and Recreation Department since 2008. He has coached various teams ranging from ages 3-4 through 7-8 (most seasons coaching 3-4 and 7-8 at the same time). His son and daughter have benefited from Dad's role as a youth sports coach as well as other players on the team. Staff cannot think of a coach that is more dedicated to their players and parents than Coach Isbell. His ability to keep his team and parents motivated is matched by none! It makes the season more enjoyable when everyone is participating and having a good time.
Coach Isbell was awarded "Male Athlete of the Year" through the Texas Amateur Athletic Federation on September 12, 2011, recognizing his efforts as an outstanding youth sports coach.
It's great to have a coach that is committed to teaching our youth lifelong skills. Coach Isbell understands the importance of teaching teamwork at an early age. The departments "Playing Is Winning" philosophy continues to hold true year after year. Our reason for being here is to promote "FUN" in sports while teaching our youth positive behaviors. Thanks, Coach Isbell, you have made a difference in the lives of our youth and our sports program!

Volunteer, Volunteer of the Month