Texas Warrant Roundup Begins Feb. 25
Arlington will join more than 250 law enforcement jurisdictions from across Texas for the annual Great Texas Warrant Roundup, which begins Saturday, February 25.
The roundup is designed to target thousands of individuals with traffic, parking, city ordinance and penal code violations. This roundup is believed to be the largest joint operation of its kind.
Law enforcement agencies and cities throughout the state conduct roundups at different times throughout the year, focusing on violators with outstanding Class C misdemeanor warrants. Those arrested are taken before court judges for arraignment and disposition of their cases. Full payment or suitable arrangement for full payment will be due at that time. Other options may include a cash bond, a Magistrate Court appearance or attorney representation.
In Arlington, notices have been mailed to individuals with active warrants. Names are also posted on the city's website at webapps.arlingtontx.gov/tmp/municipalcourt.
Until March 4th, Arlington residents with outstanding city citations are encouraged to appear in person or contact Arlington Municipal Court in order to avoid the embarrassment of being arrested at home, work or school during the Warrant Roundup. While municpal court lines will be longer than usual, wait time is not expected to be over 20 minutes.
How to clear an outstanding warrant:
- Pay by phone at 1-888-604-7888 or online.
- Appear at Arlington Municipal Court, located in the City Tower at 101 S. Mesquite St. Hours of operation are 7 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- Pay at any authorized payment location in Arlington. Locations are listed on the city's website.

Community, Government, Municipal Court, News, Police, Public Safety