MAY 8, 2012 UPDATE: Free mulch (self serve) will last through Sunday, May 13, 2012.
Calling all residents... give your flowerbeds a jump start on spring with a layer of FREE mulch! The City of Arlington Parks and Recreation and Public Works departments in partnership with Keep Arlington Beautiful are giving away free mulch beginning Saturday, April 21 at Richard Simpson Park, 6300 W Arkansas Lane, 76016.
"Mulch is good flower bed ground cover and can help retain moisture in the lawn and garden when used as a soil amendment," said Lorrie Anderle, Arlington Recycling Coordinator.
The free mulch is a result of native trees that were destroyed in the recent tornadoes. Residents will have the opportunity to bag unlimited quantities of mulch for their personal use. No vehicle larger than a pickup truck or trailer will be eligible for the program, please.
The Public Works Department will provide loaders to fill pickup trucks and trailers. Volunteer workers will be on hand to assist with loading, however residents should be prepared to self-load.
If you are interested in volunteering for this community effort, please contact Jennifer Chadwell at[email protected] or call 817.459.5474.
The mulch giveaway will continue the weekends of April 28, 2012 and May 5, 2012 at Richard Simpson Park, 6300 W Arkansas Lane, 76016.
How to Get Free Mulch!
- Go to Richard Simpson Park between 9am-4pm on Saturday and 1-4pm on Sunday. April 21-22, 2012, April 28-29, 2012 or May 5-6, 2012 or until the mulch is gone.
- Bring garbage bags for easy storing and transporting. If arriving by pickup truck or with a trailer, please have a tarp to cover the bed and prevent spills.
- Proof of Arlington residency is required.
- For more information about the free mulch giveaway program, call 817-459-5474 or "LIKE" Keep Arlington Beautiful at

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