Change Your Clocks, Change Your Batteries
The Arlington Fire Department is once again reminding residents to change batteries in smoke detectors when rolling clocks back one hour this weekend. Daylight-saving time ends at 2 a.m. Sunday, Nov. 4, which fire officials say is a good cue to switch out smoke detector batteries.
As temperatures cool, more people begin to use heating systems and various types of heating devices to warm their homes, said Assistant Fire Marshal Stephen Lea with the Arlington Fire Department.
"Smoke detectors help save lives," said Lea. "If a fire occurs in the middle of the night, smoke detectors can help save lives. We suggest making it a tradition that when the clocks change, the battery in your smoke detectors should also change. Replace the battery and then check to be sure the smoke detector is clean and functioning properly."
Also remember that the change in time can disturb sleep patterns, particularly when combined with the earlier dusk and darkness during the evening commute. This is considered a formula for drowsy driving, according to AAA Texas, a condition many drivers may be unaware of during the time change.
AAA Texas recommends that motorists adjust their driving habits and also watch for children and others outdoors who will be less visible, especially during the first week of the change.
Free smoke detectors, installation and replacement batteries are available for elderly and low income residents within the City of Arlington. Call the Arlington Fire Department at 817-459-5500 for more information.

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