Celebrate the cultural diversity of the Arlington community at this year' s Courtyard Celebration, an annual event for everyone. On Saturday, October 20, bring the entire family to the courtyard of the East Arlington Branch Library for music, dancing and performances. Festivities begin at 5:30 p.m. and continue until 7 p.m. The library is located at 1624 New York Avenue. This event is free and open to the public.
Alicia Rodriguez, Thornton Elementary School principal, is back for the third year as the Courtyard Celebration' s Master of Ceremonies. She will introduce local performers, including the Bowie High School Salseros and the Thornton Strings. Sam Houston High School students will perform the national anthem.
"Our Courtyard Celebration is an excellent opportunity to showcase the rich cultural diversity of Arlington,' said Marc Marchand, Library Services Manager for Arlington Public Library. "Come out and enjoy some great food and entertainment at this year' s Courtyard Celebration.'
Stepping out to dance will be the Show Stoppers Step Team from Hutcheson Junior High, the Spirit Squad dancers, and Irish step dancers. Special guest band After Six brings their unique blend of country, rock, oldies, blues, pop and Motown to offer something for everyone to enjoy.
East Arlington Renewal will be on hand to share information about their See Litter…Pick it Up campaign.

Community, Library, News