Clean Up Efforts
The City of Arlington Public Works Department, in conjunction with Tarrant County and Republic Services, is in the process of removing trees limbs, brush, and debris on and adjacent to roadways. The areas with the most severe damage are being cleared first. It is anticipated that the cleanup will last up to one week.
City personnel are unable to enter resident's yards to remove downed limbs, so residents are encouraged to cut debris into four foot lengths and place on the curb with large ends facing toward the street. Commercial tree services can also be obtained by residents who need assistance in removing downed tree limbs on their property.
City crews, Tarrant County crews, and Republic Services will collect the debris and tree limbs placed on the curb.
Residents are encouraged to call the City's Action Line at 817-459-6777 for questions or to request assistance.
All power was fully restored to affected areas this morning.
Damaged Properties
The number of damaged properties is currently at 523.
Tornado Recovery Center
A lost and found area at the Tornado Recovery Center has been established to collect items found such as photos, family heirlooms, keepsakes, and items of value. Items found should be dropped off at the center during the operating hours of 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Resident's losing items should go to the center to claim items turned in.
The City of Arlington would like to thank the huge number of those in the community who have responded with the generosity of their time to volunteer. At this time, we have more volunteers than cleanup jobs. However, in the event that additional volunteers are needed, the City will post a call for volunteers on the Tornado Recovery Center web page at
If people have tangible goods they want to donate, Mission Arlington is storing and will transport those items as needed. The Mission Arlington is located at 210 West South St, 817-277-6620.

Headlines, News, Tornado Recovery