Having fun in a beautiful, free family-friendly Arlington park just got easier. Thanks to funding from the 2008 Bond Program, Housing and Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, Gas Lease Revenues, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; the city is opening three new parks this spring.
On May 19, 2012, three consecutive dedications will celebrate the opening of these new parks:
- 9:00 a.m. -Crystal Canyon Natural Area -1000 Brown Blvd. 76011
- 10:15 a.m. -BC Barnes Park -3000 Daniel Drive, 76014
- 11:30 a.m. -Valley View Park -098 highland Drive 76010
The dedications will conclude at Valley View Park with a community cookout.
"Each of these parks provides the community something new. Whether it is a trail in a heavily wooded area or the redevelopment of a neighborhood, each project will provide another way for people to enjoy their parks in Arlington,"said Park Planner, Jason Landrem.
Crystal Canyon Natural Area will provide a soft surface trail and parking lot. This property was acquired in 1996 and will now be open to the public to explore. Topography across the park ranges approximately 100 feet so it will be a fun place to take the family or dog for a walk. A Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Recreational Trails grant of $128,000 was awarded to Arlington in 2009 to assist in the development of this park.
B.C. Barnes Park received a new playground, parking lot, pavilion and a ½ mile trail around the perimeter of the park.
Valley View Park was created through the purchase and demolition of six structures in the Valley View neighborhood. Located near New York Ave. and Raines St., this new park will provide a pavilion, trail loop, playground, and several picnic stations with grills. Funding from the Arlington Tomorrow Foundation and CDBC program helped bring this park to a reality.
For more information about Arlington Parks and Recreation go to www.facebook.com/arlingtonparks orwww.naturallyfun.org

Community, Headlines, News, Parks & Recreation