The Arlington Public Library has been awarded accredited status for its Arlington Reads literacy program by ProLiteracy, an international nonprofit organization that supports literacy programs throughout the nation. Arlington Reads has served Arlington for four years helping adults improve their reading, mathematics, listening, writing, speaking, and technology skills. In addition, the Arlington Reads initiative offers an array of programming focused on developing early literacy, school readiness and K-12 student support skills.
Jane Hugo, Vice-President of Programs and Services, says, "We are proud to add the Arlington Public Library to our growing list of accredited organizations. They have demonstrated that their program meets the highest national standards for volunteer literacy programs and that their services to the community are effective. We applaud the many volunteers, staff, and students who have devoted their time and effort to achieve this goal."
Arlington Reads is dedicated to helping adults of all ages improve their lives and their communities by learning reading, writing, math and problem-solving skills. Arlington Reads provides a safe learning environment for adult learners and volunteer tutors.
Programs must meet rigorous standards set by ProLiteracy in order to earn accreditation. Arlington Reads is now the only accredited literacy program in Tarrant County and one of two in the North Texas region.
Yoko Matsumoto, APL's Library Services Manager for Literacy says she is proud of the efforts of her staff and volunteers in achieving accreditation. "We expect excellence from our students and one of the keys to our success is creating a culture of accountability and achievement," said Matsumoto. "Expecting the same from ourselves just seems a given."
ProLiteracy is a nonprofit educational organization that supports local literacy programs through a national network of approximately 130,000 volunteers and 1,000 local, state, and regional literacy providers in the United States.
For more information on how you can support Arlington Reads visit

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